5 Reasons You Need an Aortic Aneurysm Exam
Abdominal aortic aneurysms, when the aneurysm ruptures, rank as #13 among the leading cause of death in the United States. Statistics state 9,863 deaths in 2014
Most victims have no symptoms or warning signs
A history of trauma or injury can cause abdominal aortic aneurysms or make an existing aneurysm worse
A predisposition for Aortic Aneurysm is hereditary – if anyone in your family has this diagnosis, you need a screening
The most common cause is hardening of the arteries which contributes to the weakening of the aortic walls. When the aneurysm begins to form, the bulging pockets can allow cavities for blood clots to form. This could possibly allow the clot to break loose and result in a heart attack or stroke
Aortic Aneurysm Exam
Our Aortic Aneurysm Exam detects early signs that indicate an aortic aneurysm or bulge in the aorta that can rupture, resulting in a stroke or sudden death. The aorta is the main blood vessel, running through the center of your body, suppling blood to all the major organs.
Unfortunately for many victims, sudden death is the first symptom of an Aortic Aneurysm. Early detection allows for appropriate intervention, which might include lifestyle changes, medications or day surgery to correct the problem. Ignoring the signs could result in a lengthy operation and hospital stay.
While most Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms go undetected, unless they rupture or are discovered in a preventative screening, some patients will experience pain in the back, abdomen, flank (area near the kidneys), shoulder or groin pain.
Regular aortic aneurysm exams are recommended for those with the following risk factors:
Men over 65;
History of smoking;
Family history of aortic aneurysms or;
History of traumatic injury in that area of the body.

AS A SENIOR, what kind
of tests should I have ?
The Carotid Doppler Screening we provide uses ultrasound technology. It is performed by a registered sonographer to check for potential problems with blood flow in the carotid artery, the vital pathway that carries blood to the brain, face, and neck.
Most health care providers also recommend this test for their patients who have these risk factors:
High cholesterol
high blood pressure
Smokers or those with a history of smoking
Family history of heart disease or stroke and; Those over 50 years of age.
Leg Arterial Ultrasounds are recommended
for those with the following risk factors:
An inactive lifestyle
High blood pressure
Smokers or those with a history of smoking
Family history of PAD
Over 50 years of age
Leg Arterial Ultrasound
Leg Arterial Ultrasound helps in early detection of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), or blockages in the arteries that carry blood to and from the legs. Symptoms are cramps that occur with walking, subside when resting, then start again when walking resumes. Patients with PAD will experience poor circulation to the legs and feet. Peripheral Artery Disease is an indicator of atherosclerosis and can mean that there is reduced blood flow to the heart and brain as well.
Treatment of blockages detected by the Leg Arterial Ultrasound need the attention of your physician, or a specialist who can offer a range of treatment options such as inserting a stent, to a more extensive surgical intervention.

This test is recommended if you
have any of the following:
Leg pain or swelling,Varicose veins,
Red or brown areas in inside of leg above the ankles,Leg ulcers
Restless leg symptoms;Diabetes,
High cholesterol or high blood pressure,Obesity,
Smokers or those with a history of smoking,Over 50 years of age.
Family history of heart disease or stroke and;
Abdominal Organ Ultrasound Screening is recommended for early detection and diagnosis of disease and conditions in the abdominal cavity, including the abdominal aorta, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas and spleen. This test looks for abnormal masses or unusual blood flow that can indicate an underlying issue.
Recommended for if you have: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, smokers or those with a history of smoking, family history of aortic aneurysm, suspected problems or issues with any abdominal organs and those over 50.
Diabetes,High cholesterol or high blood pressure,
Obesity,Smokers or those with a history of smoking,
Family history of aortic aneurysmOver 50 years of age.
Suspected problems or issues with any abdominal organs and;
Leg Venous Health
All travel poses some risks for developing blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT), but long flights pose a higher risk due to altitude changes, pressure changes, and time of immobility
DVT is a silent killer: many times, the first indication of the disorder is a heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism.
A pulmonary embolism, which cause a significant number of deaths each year, can occur when a DVT clot breaks loose and travels to the lungs.
Change of medication, cancer treatment regimens, and women's birth control can increase the risk of blood clots and the dangers they cause.
Varicose veins can be very uncomfortable and lead to further health issues. Painful leg swelling, and red inflamed areas above the ankles could degrade into leg ulcers.
Leg Venous Ultrasound is used to detect Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot in the leg or hip.
There is a risk that these blood clots will completely shut off circulation to that area of the body, or that they will break off and move to the heart, brain or lungs causing heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism.
The Leg Venous Ultrasound is also used for diagnosing and treating painful varicose veins. Varicose veins are not just painful and unsightly many times they indicate an underlying health issue, including blood clots and circulatory problems.
The legs can be swollen, painful with continuous throbbing. Some patients experience heaviness in the legs that gets worse as the day goes on. Elevating the feet at night can relieve the swelling, but it typically returns the next day. Left untreated this is the process that can lead to leg ulcers.
Scheduling your Leg Venous Ultrasound is the first step in gaining relief from the pain of varicose veins. After the ultrasound pinpoints the source of the problem, your doctor can correct the problem with a simple procedure. Insurance covers treatment of varicose veins that cause pain, swelling and other physical problems.

© 2022 BY LIVESAVERS locaetd in Dallas Texas
The true silent killers
Biography from the President of Lifesavers, who is a Seasoned Vascular Imaging Expert